If reading a book with a chapter titled : 'Children's Parties; Where Saturdays go to Die' causes you to say, "Amen, Sister!" you will truly enjoy this breath of fresh air written by Jessica Kastner. I've read many books on parenting and motherhood, and it's wonderful to read a Christian book that addresses day to day life with such transparency. Kastner blends humor, sarcasm, truth and tenderness in ways that can encourage moms and also spur them along to accept their individual gifts and personal parenting styles.
Kastner does not shy away from sharing snippets from her own motherhood journey, which began as an unwed, single mom and continued with two surprise pregnancies after she was married. The author is never snarky or irreverent, but does a great job of putting a magnifying glass on the unimportant, and putting a flashlight onto the aspects of parenting that truly do matter. She ends her chapters by focusing on the relationship between a mother and Christ, and also the need to help our kids develop a heart that is going after God. I enjoyed this book quite a bit, and look forward to recommending it to friends.
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher, but was under no obligation to write a review. My honest opinion has been provided without any requirement to write a positive review.*
Hiding from the Kids in My Prayer Closet (David C Cook, July 2017)
Finding grace and laughter when motherhood gets real
Soon after Jessica Kastner became a mother, she wondered if she was the only mom who found pretend play more boring than watching playdough harden and who dreaded yet another friend’s Instagram post of homemade deliciousness.
In Hiding from My Kids in the Prayer Closet, Kastner shares her experience as an “unmom”—a mom who loves her kids more than she loves the daily experience of mothering. She helps readers laugh at the ridiculous, delight in the unpredictable, and enjoy being the mothers God made them to be.
Learn more and purchase a copy.JESSICA KASTNER

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