I love how authentic Smith is, and that may be my favorite part of the book. She makes it clear (in a very humble way) that she is just like us. She shares what many would consider a "deep, dark" secret from her past that allows the reader to trust her and believe her when she discusses how "Grace heals and restores" (p 42). Smith also does something that is critical in growing a deeper faith--she shares scripture! Often! And she presses in about the importance of prayer. Smith continually backs up what she says with Biblical truths. I have many sentences highlighted and page corners turned down in my book. But one of my favorite sections is displayed on page 176:
I struggle to see how a perfect God can look past my brokenness. I know in my heart that He loves me, but I sometimes struggle to accept that he likes me, because sometimes I don't even like myself.
These doubts and insecurities cause me to question my value and my ability to make a difference. They cause me to feel insignificant. Invisible and ineffective.
Yet I know the Bible says the opposite And because of this, I'm reminded to, instead, tether my value to truths like these:
*I was created in the image of God.
*I am sealed with the Holy Spirit.
*Jesus loved me so much that He endured a horrific death so I could be saved.
These truths matter. And because they matter, they confirm to me that I matter. And they confirm you matter, too.
After giving great encouragement like the quote above, Smith then presses deeper into the emotions we have when we struggle with these truths. And that substance is the reason I recommend I Want it All.
*I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review."
You can find more information and purchase a copy of I Want it All by Gwen Smith here.
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