Grace's Forgiveness is the 2nd in Jebber's A Keepsake Pocket Quilt Novel series, but it definitely stands on its own! I have only read this second book, and it is a very detailed and well-rounded novel. The novel centers around Grace, who is both a midwife & a businesswoman as she runs a quilt store with her friend, Sarah. Both girls are Amish and live within a tight-knit, protective Amish community. The community is open to outsiders from a business standpoint, but members of the community are to refrain from any communication and contact with "the outside world" that isn't business related. This exclusion is the main source of conflict between Grace and Sarah, as Grace's best friend Becca married a man who isn't Amish, so Becca is to be shunned. Grace still loves and cares for Becca and breaks the rules a bit to remain in touch with her.
As the reader begins to see the complexities within Grace & Sarah's friendship, a newcomer arrives. He is Mark King, and has just moved from the Amish town of Lancaster and desires to become part of Berlin's Amish community. Mark is single and will be opening a store nextdoor to Grace and Sarah's quiltstore. Sarah, who is married, makes it clear to Mark that Grace is single and available. While the two seem a little embarrassed, they are both intrigued. And Grace is very impressed by the gentleman who seems oblivious to the birthmark on her face that causes so many others to stare at her. While Grace and Mark get to know one another better, the reader finds out that Mark has a brother Abel who left the Amish church and is the source of much chaos and heartache. And the reader begins to wonder: Will Abel bring turmoil to Mark's new life in Berlin? Will Grace and Mark discover they both have a secret connection with someone shunned from the Amish community? Will that knowledge bring them together or end their relationship?
Grace's Forgiveness provides interesting insight to life within the Amish community. From the Bishop having to approve Mark's acceptance, to a barn raising, to the rituals for funerals and engagements, to interacting with local police, and to family dynamics, Jebber is able to bring both depth to her characters and awareness to her readers in a seamless manner. It's not "just" a romance novel, as it contains some mystery and suspense. Adding Grace's parents as minor characters brings another layer of depth and tension to the novel. Grace is an independent and confident woman, and seeing her navigate falling in love while using her skills as a midwife and remaining a successful business woman makes the novel a must-read.
**I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.**
Grace’s Forgiveness by Molly Jebber is a 320 page novel in the Christian Amish genre. It is published by Kinsignton Publishing Corp and was released on Jan 26, 2016. To purchase your copy, click here.
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copyright 2016 LeAnne Klopfenstein